fitness motivation

The Best Ways to Find Your Motivation for Fitness

Ask anyone with an impressive physique how they reached that level of success and they’ll all tell you there was dedication involved. Regardless of your genetics you’ll need motivation to get to the gym, motivation to work out hard and motivation to eat right.

The one thing getting in your way is excuses and there are a lot of potential excuses so let’s look at the common ones and we’ll develop a strategy to get past each one. I can promise you that if you get motivated and develop a habit to get to the gym or work out on a regular bases you will see results. Take it from me if I can work out 6 days a week while having multiple jobs and other responsibilities then you can do at least a few days a week. Consistency is key and that’s 100% true.

I’m too busy to work out and prepare healthy food. This is probably the most common excuse and it’s easy to overcome once you develop a new routine. You’ll have to dedicate a solid month to this in order to turn it into a habit but it’s totally worth it because you can then focus on reaching your fitness goals. The solution is to create a new schedule for yourself. First figure out where you have available time and where things can be reorganized. Next set exact days and times you will be working out and preparing food. I’ve found the easiest times for working out are either right before or after work or school etc. basically a time when you are already going to be moving.

My energy is too low to work out. This is quite common but super easy to overcome. You should be scheduling your workout when you are already out or immediately when you get home or first thing in the morning. Your energy levels will be higher and it takes less motivation then if you were sitting on the couch and had to go from that to working out. You could also put on your favorite pump up music to jam out and get you in the mood to move. Finally a pre workout drink can help a lot to get you through a workout.

Get some accountability in place. You could get a workout partner, a personal trainer or even have a friend of family member that you communicate with to hold you accountable. Taking a workout class is another great way.

Feel good in new workout gear. A good way to feel good and look good is to get yourself some new workout clothes. This is a great way to reward yourself and also feel a little more motivated to get back in the gym.

Prepare beforehand. A good way to follow through on your fitness schedule is to prepare in advance. This is easy to do by setting out a gym bag with your workout clothes, your workout drink of choice and any other pre or post workout food or supplements. I do this every day and knowing I have my gym bag with me just makes it easier to follow through.

Get some apps or a smart watch. Technology can be a great motivator when used correctly. There is a lot you can do with this one such as track your activity levels, track your eating and even set reminders to get your workout in.

Follow a workout plan. You should have a plan written out either by you or you can purchase a course but having a plan of exactly what you are going to do each day will help you stay motivated to reach your fitness goals and a good workout plan can help a lot to reach your fitness goals.

It’s time to get motivated and just follow through for 30 days because it takes 30 days to develop a habit. If you can get through these 30 days it will become easier and easier to stay consistent and get to the gym on a regular basis. One day you can be the person that others admire for that impressive physique. They’ll ask you how you did it and you can tell them you were motivated and consistent.

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